I was given this Cross-Stitch Tapestry as part of a leaving gift from the Craft n Chat group I attend on Thursday nights. They thought it would keep me occupied during our sailing trip, and it certainly did that. It took me more than 100 hours to complete, as I have never done any successful tapestry before. I do have a ‘U.F.O.’ – Unfinished Object, of a tapestry which I started more than 20 years ago, but is still not finished as I did not know what I was doing.
I was expertly advised by Kay, who has done many tapestries, that you start in the middle. I marked the middle with a cross of stitches. All counting was then done from this point.
The colours were coded but there was no pattern on the material, it was all counting and colour matching.
I did make a mistake and started a row too far down, so I was left with a blank line. Michael said ‘Fill it in and rip up the pattern when you have finished, no one will know’, and he was right until now.
It was a great ice-breaker, as the person on a neighbouring boat in a marina, would often ask what I was doing and have a chat.
Thank you for a Fantastic gift.
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