Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Bears 4 – Large and Medium Sized

Large Mohair Bears

Bethany Bear on Chair CloseupBethany Bear

Caitlin has called her bear Bethany, and has dressed her beautifully since these pictures were taken.

She is made from 10mm Scultz Mohair which is expensive, but gives a beautiful, long-lasting heritage result.  She should last a lifetime.

Silver Bear - Long Haired Schultz Mohair Very Special

The white bear was made for a Silver Wedding Anniversary for a friend’s wife, again I used Mohair for this special bear.  I made his Silver Bow Tie to make him extra special.  He has silver grey suede paw pads and traditional Glass Eyes,.

For both of the above bears I chose not to snip the nose areas as they look more traditional.

Scruffy Bear

Scruffy Full Size - Curly Mohair

All the above bears were made from the same pattern, and yet turn out differently.

Scruffy belongs to my husband Michael and he will not part with him, there have been a few close calls with visiting children but he has managed to divert them to other bears.

He is made from Hembold Curly Mohair, with sand coloured paw pads.  He is fully jointed with safety joints and has safety eyes.

A little clipping took place around his eyes to tame his curls.  His eyes are a little too far forward but it gives him character.

He was awarded first prize in the local village show and the lady said if there had been a best in show prize he would have won that, she was quite taken with him.

He also achieved 20 out of 20 marks in a W.I. co-operative entry at the 2013 show.  He represented a child’s Christmas gift in a Victorian Christmas scene.

He currently has a red bow.

Black Bear

Large Black Bear with 18th Charm FullBlack Bear Large StandingBlack Bear Large Back

I was asked to make a bear for an 18th Birthday for a friends daughter and black seemed a good choice, sophisticated and chic.  I looked up the classic black bears to find out the correct eye and nose colours.  Brown seemed to be the best idea to compliment the light grey paws and pads.  I used 35mm cotter pin joints as this bear was going to an adult, and he is a big bear so needs big joints, measuring 18 inches seated and 24 inches stood.  As he was a special gift he needed a strong Red bow, and I was asked to find an 18th charm to complete the surprise.

Baby Bears

Sam and Erica’s Bears

Bear for SamBear for Erica

Bear for Elissa

Bear for Elissa

These bears were made for small children, they had sewn eyes and no joints.

Elissa’s bear looks like a Koala, the pattern enables it to sit properly.

Two Tone Bear Large Sitting

The two tone bear above is made from the same material as the others, but I snipped the nose area and the lovely mushroom colour underneath was revealed.  The paw pads are made from the same fur in reverse, so the colour matches perfectly.

Medium Mohair Bears

The group below were made from various colours of Mohair and are the same pattern as my first bear which has been enlarged and reduced over time.  I have made 50, 60, 70 and 80% bears.

Interestingly the same bear in a different size in the same fabric can look very different as the length of the fur changes with the size of the bear.

Brown Bears Short Pile Mohair 3Brown Bear Short Pile Mohair Blue EyesBrown Bear Short Pile MohairCream Bears after CourseCream Bear Blue Ribbon after CourseCream Bear Cream Bow Tie after CourseCream Bear Red Bow Tie after CourseCreams BearsElise and Sophias Bears

Material Bears

These two bears were made from remnant fabric from a local interior design shop.  The heavy duty furniture fabric was not easy to work with and frayed.  It is also difficult to hide stitches.  I hand sew all my bears and machine stitches may have been more forgiving.

Material Spotty Bears

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