Thursday, 1 March 2018

Cross-Stitch UFO – Un-Finished Object

I bought this cross stitch 25 plus years ago.  At our Craft and Chat people turn up with un-finished objects all the time.

I was busy doing other things, but it kept re-appearing and whispering to me, I am un-loved and un-finished!!!!

So over Christmas this year I got down to it.


I had the presence of mind to put small pieces of thread against each colour years ago so I had an idea which colour was right.


Applying more recently acquired knowledge, I firmly decided which way was the right way up and stuck to it this time!!


I now have a slightly grubby finished article.

The big question is …. to wash or not to wash.

And shall I make it into a cushion using the same material on the back or a sturdier material to stabilise it?

Watch this space.

All suggestions gratefully received.

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