Lancashire WI run a trip to the WI college Denman in Marcham in Oxfordshire every 18 months or so.
80 like minded ladies determined to have a good time and learn new things. There were several course options including ‘Sing Abba’ for the theatrical and budding thespians, Silver Clay Jewelery, French Cooking in the excellent Cookery school (where I learned to make Jam and Preserves on the last trip), Sketching and Drawing, Blenheim History and Tour, Walking, and Machine Patchwork which I chose this time.
The tutor Christine Green was very infectious and soon had us thinking outside the box for her particular brand of scrap piece patchwork. She also encouraged us to put items together without much measuring and go with the flow.

My first 4 squares were made from scraps I had brought with me, from the work-shirt quilt I made last year.

I then made two cushions (the red, white and blue ones on the right) using the log cabin technique and a block pattern.

Picture of the sewing room and everyone’s work displayed centre.

Our sewing group with tutor Christine (5th from the left). Liz 2nd from left, me 3rd from left.

Liz’s freehand cushion, great colour and material selection.

Liz’s Log Cabin cushion, lovely colours and piped edges.
People think Denman courses are expensive, but once you factor in travel, food, beautiful room and tuition it is great value for money. It’s less than £5 per week to save between trips. No brainer.
Ladies spanning 5 decades learning, having fun and laughing together. Truly Inspiring Women.